I LOVE September

I love September!!!  It's not just because it's my birthday this month:)  I love harvest time.  I grew up on a farm until I graduated from high school.  I always would go out and ride in the combine with my dad as much as I could.  When I was in Grade 3, my sister who is 2 years younger than me started taking dance.  I went for one lesson as well and then decided that riding in the combine with my dad was more fun.  

This past weekend we went out to my Uncle's farm which is next to the farm I grew up on.  My dad helps my uncle with harvest so we try and take the kids out every fall to ride in the combine with Papa. It is also very important that our children know how crops grow and get some of the farming experience.

We had a wonderful weekend at the farm.  The only thing that was missing was having supper in the field.  

I'm back!!!

I'm back!  It was nice to have a break and now I'm not going to worry about posting every day.  I am getting pictures taken daily for Project Life but won't be posting them all.  We did have some crazy looking clouds last night that I thought I would share.  The first picture is before the rain and hail.

There then was a down pour of rain and a little bit of small hail and the clouds got even more interesting.

I have to share this one as well even though the quality is not great.  Micah bought these at Micheals the other day, I'm impressed that she actually fell asleep with them on.